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What’s Happening

Cell Phone & Printer Cartridge Collection

11/18/14 Summit Trail Middle

TJH Green Team is collecting Cell Phones and Printer Cartridges for Terracycle in an effort to reduce waste! There is a list of acceptable cartridges attached (and a couple of pictures for quick reference below!). **Please note that house/portable phones, phone chargers, or loose batteries are NOT accepted through this program. Also, they accept both working and non-working phones. There is a collection box for both cartridges AND cell phones outside the Main Office at TJH! Thanks for your time!

Power Patrol

11/18/14 Summit Trail Middle

Five Green Team members conducted a power patrol after school on November 18th, 2014 at TJH in the 700/800 wing. Members left checklists and sticky notes for feedback. Then Ms. McHenry sent out an email informing staff of energy saving guideline reminders.

Bins for Paper Reuse

11/13/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

This week, the PowerEd Ambassadors visited our classrooms to deliver reuse paper boxes and found that several classrooms already had working bins! Way to reuse your copies, Tigers!

In Honor of National Recycling Day on Nov 15...

11/10/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

...our school is bringing in used clothing, shoes, socks, towels, and tablecloths, our Usagain Collection bins to be reused! Usagain is offering cash prizes to the biggest collections, so let’s go Tigers!

2nd Grade Class Greens Shadow Lake!

11/08/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

Mrs. Eccles

Obsolete TV and VCR Removal at Shadow Lake

11/05/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

With guidance from Glacier Park’s Connie Jo Erickson, we are now completing the appropriate forms, getting school board approval, mapping the removal for each classroom, and contacting A+ Removal Services to set a date for recycling these units in order to save energy at our school!

Giant Pumpkin Weigh in winners

11/05/14 Glacier Park Elementary

The students who estimated the closest guess on the weight of our giant pumpkin are: Kaylee Gemmer Lily OliphNT Hannah Nollimeyer Danika Ballard Kylie Robertson Stella Berry Ashley Facer Congratulations!

Collecting More Pledges

11/03/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

Today, PowerEd Ambassadors visited three of our primary classrooms to explain our goal of saving energy and they signed their pledges!

Breakfast Buddies Reduce Landfill Waste with the Help of Scrappy, the Composting Tiger!

10/24/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

Breakfast Buddies circulate each morning to assist students in composting their breakfast leftovers into compost, recycling, and landfill containers. The Buddies then rinse the containers to prepare them for the next day’s sorting.

Student Leadership Team Brings in Pledges!

10/23/14 Shadow Lake Elementary

The Shadow Lake Student Leadership Team has practiced and presented the pledge messages to their classmates and collected their classmates’ pledges this week to help up our school’s pledge count. That’s teamwork!